Who are we?

D-livery Solutions is a company specialized in logistics transport and parcel delivery to both professionals and individuals. Thanks to a professional, dynamic and reliable team, D-livery Solutions guarantees you a quality service adapted to the different requirements of our customers nationally and internationally.

As a transport service provider, D-Livery Solutions guarantees you a quality service and offers you reliable, efficient and flexible transport solutions that meet the various constraints related to your sector of activity and to your needs.

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« A flower for the environment »

D-Livery Solutions, your preferred partner in logistics transport and parcel delivery

Our values and our strength

At D-livery Solutions we place enormous importance on the trust placed in us by our various customers and we are therefore committed to the absolute respect of the agreed deadlines and schedules for the parcels delivery to our customers.

The guarantee of a quality work and our customers’ satisfaction also passes by our teams’ well-being and blooming. Therefore, D-livery Solutions considerably invests in the training of its various collaborators for each and every one to give their best, and to carry out its various missions of transport.